Dear Friends,
Well, I am sure this will come as a shock to some of you, but amongst Old-Time Musicians and music-lovers, overalls are an impressive piece of vintage apparel and some folks are no less brand-crazy than the teenyboppers of yore. I was gifted this pair of vintage Washingtons (which I was told are from the 1920's) and I have been literally stopped in the fire lanes at festivals and fiddler's conventions by folks, who ask in disbelief,
STRANGER: "Hey, are those Washingtons?"
NJ: "Why yes they are!"
STRANGER: "Those are gettin' hard ta come by." (Very impressed.)
I sure do like em! I especially like that they have an extra button on each side that allows me to have a waist even in overalls! Yeah 1920's!
Thanks for reading friends.
Nora Jane
Yup, those ARE hard to find. They're rarely on eBay in my size, and when they are, the price is prohibitive. Good job finding some!